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カジノ合法化計画が熱を帯びる Casino legalization plans begin to heat up


Casino legalization plans begin to heat up






A bipartisan diet member alliance, called Casino Alliance compiled a bill and an implementation plan to promote legalization of casinos in Japan. They hope that casinos will become popular before 2020 Olympics in Tokyo and that they lead to increase of foreign tourists. The bill included a system to regulate and monitor casinos by the government in order to avoid emergence of a hotbed of crime by requiring operators to acquire licenses and introducing special inspectors. They aim to pass the bill in the ordinary diet session next year. In expectation of legalization of casinos, three major companies, Mitsui Fudosan, Fuji Media Holdings, and Kashima Corporation are jointly planning to construct a comprehensive tourist resort including hotels and casinos in Odaiba, Tokyo. Some diet members insist that the bill should be passed early as part of growth strategies of the government. Other members, however, are still wary of legalization of casinos. It is difficult to forecast whether casinos will be legalized in time for the Olympics.

[覚えよう 英単語・英熟語]

超党派の: bipartisan

国会議員連盟 :diet member alliance

まとめる: compile

法案: bill 

通常国会 :ordinary diet session

AにB(すること)を求める: require A to B

実施計画: implementation plan

解禁(合法化): legalization

外国人旅行客: foreign tourists

~をもたらす(~につながる): lead to

犯罪の温床: hotbed of crime

規制する: regulate

監視する: monitor

~を見据えて(睨んで): in expectation of

共同で :jointly

一環として: as part of

総合型: comprehensive

成長戦略: growth strategies

慎重である: wary of

予断を許さない: it is difficult to forecast

狙っている :aim to


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2020 東京・首都圏未来予想図 (別冊宝島)

2020 東京・首都圏未来予想図 (別冊宝島)