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小泉元首相 原発ゼロを首相に迫る Koizumi called for Prime Minister Abe to abandon nuclear power plants

小泉元首相 原発ゼロを首相に迫る

Koizumi called for Prime Minister Abe to abandon nuclear power plants







原発をゼロにする時期について、小泉氏は「即刻ゼロにすべき」と明言した。また原発の再稼働についても「多くは再稼働できないだろう。それに再稼働するとまた核のごみも増える」と反対の立場を鮮明に示した。 核燃料サイクル政策についても、どうせあきらめるなら早い方がいい、と方針転換を求めた。






In a speech at Japan's national press club on November 12, Japanese former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi expressed his opposition to resuming of nuclear plant operation and to the nuclear fuel cycle policy, and called for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to announce his policy to abandon nuclear power plants immediately.


Regarding the time to abandon nuclear power stations, Mr. Koizumi clearly expressed his opinion to abandon them immediately. He also made a clear opinion as for resuming of nuclear plant operation by saying that it would be impossible to resume many of them, and radioactive waste would increase along with resuming of operation. He called for a policy change toward nuclear fuel cycle as we should give it up sooner than later.


Mr. Koizumi analyzed policies of each party, saying "All opposition parties agree with abandonment of nuclear power with half of the Liberal Democratic Party members." He then expressed his hope for a bold decision of Prime Minister Abe, saying "Once Prime Minister announces his policy to abandon nuclear power, opponents will shut up."


As Mr. Koizumi has appealed his opinion to abandon nuclear power plants proactively in many places, it will be difficult for the Abe Cabinet to ignore this opinion in formulating nuclear power policy if Koizumi's opinion wins broad support from general public and LDP members.

[覚えよう 英単語・英熟語]

AにBすることを迫る: call for A to B 

原発: nuclear power plant (station)

元首相: former Prime Minister

表明する: express one's opinion

再稼働: resuming

核燃料サイクル政策: nuclear fuel cycle policy

ゼロにする(放棄する): abandon

核のゴミ(核廃棄物): radioactive waste

あきらめる: give up

分析する: analyze

野党: opposition party

英断: bold decision

自民党: the Liberal Democratic Party

反対論者: opponent

支持を広げる: win broad support

政策をまとめる: formulate policy


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福島第一原発 ―真相と展望 (集英社新書)









原発ゼロをあきらめない 反原発という生き方

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