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スペインとアイルランド 金融支援から脱却 Spain and Ireland quit EU's aid program

スペインとアイルランド 金融支援から脱却

Spain and Ireland quit EU's aid program


















Finance Ministers of 17 Eurozone countries gathered in Brussels on November 14 and agreed to allow Spain and Ireland to exit from the financial aid program.


As the finance reform and bad-debt disposal in those two countries made progress and the market calmed down owing to financial stabilization measures by European Central Bank, they decided that the governments and the banks in those two countries would be able to loan money by themselves.


Eurozone countries have provided financial aid programs to five countries in total including Greece, Portugal, and Cyprus. Spain and Ireland worsened their finance because they supported banks which had fallen into financial difficulty due to collapse of the real-estate bubble.


The exit from financial aid programs in Spain and Ireland will become a milestone of the anti-crisis measure for three and a half years. It is said that Luis de Guindos, Spanish finance Minister emphasized that their financial system had been reinforced. 


Even after the termination of financial aid program, EU plans to continue to monitor the financial situations in those two countries. They hope to make the other three countries, Greece, Portugal, and Cyprus exit from the financial aid program early by asking for their efforts to reform their finance continuously.

[覚えよう 英単語・英熟語]

~することに同意する: agreed to

~から脱却する: exit from

財政支援: financial aid program

財政再建: finance reform

不良債権処理: bad-debt disposal

進展する: make progress

落ち着く: calm down

金融安定化策: financial stabilization measure

全部で: in total

経営危機: financial difficulty

崩壊: collapse

不動産バブル: real-estate bubble

節目になる: become a milestone

危機対策: anti-crisis measure

強化する: reinforce

監視する: monitor

残りの: the other


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ユーロ――危機の中の統一通貨 (岩波新書)

ユーロ――危機の中の統一通貨 (岩波新書)