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レンタルビデオ店 厳しい時代に Video rental shops face hardship

レンタルビデオ店 厳しい時代に

Video rental shops face hardship










A major rental video chain in US, Blockbuster announced that it would close its remaining 300 stores by early January. Blockbuster had more than 9,000 stores at its peak in 2004 and it also entered the Japanese market once. Blockbuster is said to keep the brand itself and utilize it in DVD delivery service and streaming delivery business.

Also in Japan, rental video shops have continued to decrease nationwide. The number of those shops has become one fourth of that at peak in 1990. Small and medium size stores which couldn't stand discounting battles of major chains have closed business one after another. In addition, as video distribution utilizing the Internet is expanding, the size of the video rental market has been shrinking. Annual sales of the entire industry were about 258.4 billion yen in 2012, which means more than 100 billion yen has been lost since the peak in 2004. Each store is seeking ways to survive such as targeting elder customers who are not good at using the Internet.

[覚えよう 英単語・英熟語]

残っている: remaining

活用する: utilize

耐える: stand

全国で: nationwide

4分の1: one fourth

宅配、配信: delivery

減り続ける: continue to decrease

中小の: small and medium size

価格競争: discounting battle

次々と: one after another

縮小する: shrink

拡大する: expand

市場規模: market size

模索する: seek ways

生き残る: survive


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